June 25, 2013

The Final Day of Kindergarten

The last day of Kindergarten was Monday, June 10th.  I do have to admit that I was more excited to finally reach summer break than Carson was.  He really enjoys school; also he  hasn't yet realized the benefits of summer vacation!  I struggle to put into words my emotions:  excitement that we were done, amazed and blessed by our accomplishments, and relief that we had finished strong. 
Ready for our last day.

"Hey, Hey, The Gang's All Here" 


Yay!  We made it, we survived, we accomplished!

Then the reality of being done "sunk" in.  Suddenly he became very sentimental and decided that he didn't want to be done.  He missed his "school friends".  His plan was just to repeat Kindergarten again next year then he would be back with his same "friends".

Here he is looking through his worksheets and remembering....

Hey Mommy, remember when.......

And then to celebrate this great achievement, Daddy took him for his favorite ice cream from the Cheese Factory.
Now, I am the proud Mamma of a first grader!  Way to go buddy, I am so proud of you.


Brenda said...

Very cool! I love the "Done" picture with the laptop closed. :-)

Alanna said...

Way to go Carson! And mommy! :-)