September 16, 2007

The Talking Bean

This is especially for Nanna and Pops since you haven't seen your favorite grandson for a while. Everyone else, feel free to enjoy this also.


Cindy said...

Awww....he's such a cutie! And his mommy's sound effects are pretty cool too :)

Anonymous said...


Lasha said...

Wow I can't believe how big he is getting. I am going to have to see him soon :) love you guys!!

Deb said...

Is that running on at the mouth the Downing coming out in him? It is not just Nanna and Pops that haven't seen him for a while. I guess I am going to have to invite you to Sunday dinner if we want to see him. You know you don't have to be invited. Just let us know when you are free. We miss seeing you all.

Joyce said...

Oh, my, what a cutie! Is this a singing voice I hear? I'm so proud to be related to this celebrity!

Anonymous said...

aw, he is so cute! Sigh *warm fuzzies

Belle said...

Very Cute!!

Beth and Jeremy Glass said...

He certainly has his mother's looks and his father's drool. Many congrats!

Sarah Cook said...

You have been tagged, check out my blog for more info!

Jenn said...

Very cute!! You've been tagged.. see my blog for more info

sarahmfry said...

What an amazing kid...