Hi everyone, my mommy has been so busy recently that I thought I would just help her out by blogging for her. Yes, it is way passed my bedtime, but a post must go out.
I am doing very well. In the past couple of weeks I have discovered that I love to talk and squeal. I even talk on the phone sometimes; mommy has to help me with that though. I can roll from my tummy to my back very easily. I’m very proud of that. Mommy has me on quite a schedule, that makes my life go smoother, I think it probably helps her out too. While mommy is teaching I hang out with daddy or aunt Sonja or take a nap. I have a good life. I have gone to band a couple of times with mommy, I really love that.
In the last two weeks I have had so many visitors. Aunt Donna came to see me, she is so cool. I wish she would come more often, and next time bring uncle Wesley. Nanna came and spent the weekend. She couldn’t believe how much I’d grown. Got to see Papaw and Grandma. I also got to spend the afternoon with uncle David, aunt Jenny, aunt Diana, and grandmommy.
I love my family! Now Pops, when are you going to come see me, you know I can’t drive yet. Sure would like to see MeeMee and everyone at her house again too. Still waiting to meet all the family in N.C, and MI, maybe one of these days.
Last weekend was the school picnic. I got to pitch for the softball game. I had a great day, but was shortchanged on my nap time and that affected my attitude. Hey, a man has got to have his sleep.
I probably am forgetting something important, it is just so hard to remember everything when mommy waits so long to blog. I know she has been “tagged” by 3 different people but she will have to take care of that herself, I can’t do everything. By the way, I was just kidding about being the softball pitcher, I’m still to little to do that. Hey do you like my shirt?
Hey, Carson, aka Beanie!
Great blog little buddy! It sure sounds like you're keeping busy. Good thing Mommy has you on such a strict schedule, otherwise you might not get everything done. Well, hey, Aunt Cindy is sure looking forward to seeing you on Monday. I love you, little buddy.
You are learning young, Carson that keeping in contact with family is very important. Some of the other family members have not learned that yet. I do my best, because I agree, I sure love my family and that includes you. Yes, I guess with school starting Mommy and Daddy have not gotten to come out and bring you. Grandmommy said she got to see you last weekend. I miss getting to see you too. Maybe we can do Sunday dinner again soon. I love you, MeeMee
Love the shirt!
Dear Carson,
It was good to hear about life from your prospective. The younger generation has something to offer too! I love your picture with the softball. You are adorable. Keep your mom in line ol' buddy. Hopefully I will see you soon!
Your Friend Jo
Hey, buddy! Excellent post! Your vocabulary is astounding for one so young. No doubt it is from the company you keep while your mommy is teaching. ;) You look great in your pictures. I especially love the one of you, Aunt Jenny & Grandmommy. I know your family will treasure that one for a long time. Well, I hope to see you soon. I'm looking forward to our afternoon together. Love you!
Now I knew my grandson was special, but I am really impressed with his blog!!!!
I couldn't remember what Bean's name was today - got to thinking about him being in SWSE someday and the kind pastor calling out "Bean Parriman . . ." :>) Hope you're doing well!
Dixie, Thanks for keeping us updated. Bean looks so much like Andy to me!! We can't wait to see him in a few weeks!
Too cute!
I think that's the best post I've ever read!!!!
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