October 15, 2013

Some Days....

 Some days my littlest man can "clean" up our house.

 He sure is a happy little fella!

Some days we play between rain showers, some days we play in the rain.

Some days they fight over the same swing.

Some days we have 'messy math'.  It is so much fun to figure math facts in shaving cream.

Some days we kick off our boots and run barefoot around the yard.

Some days we just sit and soak up the sun!


 Some days we dream about blue skies.

Some days we discover new ways to play inside.

Some days Andy goes off to Salem for a convention and brings home the prettiest bouquet of flowers from the Salem farmers market.

Some days God smiles.  A bright, warm smile right through the rain and clouds, right down on our neighborhood.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

love the pictures and the commentary!!