So here is the scoop on my very first appointment to meet Ms. Amy and get my noggin measured for my new "party hat". This is me and my mama hanging out waiting for the fun to begin. (Hey Pops, do you recognize that bib? You got it for my brother Carson when he was a baby.)
So the first thing I had to do was take off my shirt. Why must a baby be naked for everything?!?!
Then Ms. Amy stretched a sock over my head and tied it under my chin. She also put some pretty neat stickers with black dots by my ears.
As you can see from the above picture, I was not feeling very cool at this moment. I have a sock on my head... would you like to have a sock on your head? Ok so mama carries me into a dark room and lays me down inside a glass crib. In this picture you can see my black dot stickers.
Mama was holding my hands and Ms. Amy was holding my chin and I was being very still. Then....
Then I heard a little beep, and a red line came down across my eyes and then it was all done. This is how they measure my head, then the computer does the figuring of how big my helmet should be. Technology is very cool. I had to wear the sock because even my hair could mess up the computer measurements.
As you can see below, I was having a few issues. I was ready to get out of my sock, and get on my shirt and boy was I hungry!!
The exam room we were placed in was "the hundred acre wood" room. Carson and Kenzie really loved playing with the toys they had there.
I loved meeting Ms. Amy, she is very nice. She even gave my brother and sister a sucker. I wish I was old enough to have a sucker!
So next time I write, I will tell you all about getting my helmet. Mommy and Daddy picked blue to be the color.
If you would like to read more:
Later gators.